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Land Economics
From a public or local government perspective, Land Economics involves evaluating the appropriate mix of land uses required to balance the tax base and provide for the future retail, service, and employment needs of the community. In addition, projections of land demand for residential, commercial, and industrial uses are provided based on population and employment projections.

Chandler General Plan Update - City of Chandler
Elliott D. Pollack and Company is part of the consultant team retained to update the city's General Plan. The firm is responsible for the economic base analysis of the City and development of the housing, cost of development, and other plan elements.

General Plan Updates - Various cities
The firm is participating on several consulting teams that are updating the General Plans for the following cities: Bullhead City - Glendale - Wickenburg - Florence - Casa Grande - Eloy

Market Assessment - Glendale City Center Master Plan - City of Glendale, AZ
The purpose of this report was to provide a market assessment of the Glendale City Center area that evaluated existing conditions and targeted future uses that are economically viable and beneficial to the study area. The City Center area is three square miles in size surrounding the original townsite of the city at 59th Avenue and Glendale Avenue.

Land Economics Study, Western Area General Plan Update - City of Glendale, AZ
This study evaluated proposed land use alternatives in the Western Area of the City of Glendale as part of an update of the General Plan. The ten square mile study area along the recently completed Loop 101 freeway is proposed for significant employment and retail uses. Recommendations were provided on the market demand for and reasonableness of the proposed industrial, retail and residential uses in the study area.

Absorption Analysis of Vacant Land in the West Valley of Metropolitan Phoenix
This analysis examined the potential absorption of vacant land west of I-17 from 2000 through 2025. Based on several population growth alternatives and discussions with land brokers, the study evaluated the amount of land in the West Valley that should be demanded by the year 2025.

Land Use/Economic Analysis of 12 Acres at the Southwest Corner of McQueen and Riggs Roads, Chandler Arizona
This analysis examined the potential for growth in the area immediately surrounding the 12-acre site and the demand that would be created for retail uses.

Land Use/Economic Analysis for 200 Acres at the Northwest Corner 51st Avenue and Baseline Road, Laveen, Arizona
This study involved analysis of proposed land use designations in the City of Phoenixs General Plan affecting a 200-acre site in Laveen. This firm examined the potential for growth of Laveen over the next ten years and the demand that would be created for retail, multi-family and single-family uses. Recommendations were provided on the optimum mix of land uses for the site.

Gilbert Gateway Study Town of Gilbert
The firm was part of a multi-disciplinary team that was chosen to develop a land plan for a seven square mile area just west of Williams Gateway Airport in Gilbert, Arizona. Elliott D. Pollack and Company was responsible for demographic and land demand analysis to ensure balanced growth within the study area. Specific emphasis was on retail and industrial land uses to determine the appropriate mix and acreage supported by the population and airport-related employment.

Redevelopment Master Plan Along Salt River, Central Phoenix
Elliott D. Pollack and Company is part of a project team retained to study the redevelopment of their landholdings located along the Salt River between Central Avenue and 24th Street. Approximately 900 acres are held within this 2 mile stretch, most of which has been mined or is located in the floodway. Land planning activities are being coordinated with the Rio Salado Habit Restoration project currently proposed by the City and Corps of Engineers. This firms responsibilities include economic and market analyses to identify appropriate land uses and projected absorption rates.

City of Mesa General Plan Update - Economic Development Element
Elliott D. Pollack and Company was part of the project team undertaking a comprehensive update of the Mesa General Plan. The firm is responsible for the economic base analysis of the City and establishing economic development strategies. The company developed demand projections for residential, commercial, and industrial land uses to estimate the amount of land expected to be absorbed in the future.

Williams Gateway Airport Strategic Economic Development Plan and Commercial/Industrial Master Plan
As part of the consultant team undertaking these studies for the former Williams Air Force Base, this firm was responsible for analysis of the regional economy and real estate market, with particular emphases on the industrial subsector and competing airports in Maricopa County. The project provided a long term strategic plan for the marketing and future development of Williams.

City of Phoenix Infrastructure Study - Rigby Water Company Land Use Analysis

The purpose of this study is to provide analysis of land use designations, densities, development activity and other factors that may impact upon the valuation and ultimate purchase of what is known as the Childers Division of the Rigby Water Company by the City of Phoenix.  This study will focus on land use and absorption analysis, designed to estimate the ultimate build-out density of the certificated area and potential timing of the build out.  The information generated in the initial sections of this study was used by Black and Veatch, a civil engineering company, to estimate the extent of water lines and facilities required to serve the build out development.  Based on this data, analysis will be conducted on the going-concern value for the Childers Division currently held by the Rigby Water Company.

Development Fee Study Town of Gila Bend

Elliott D. Pollack & Company has been retained by the Town of Gila Bend to generate development fees for the following infrastructure categories:


-          Water System

-          Wastewater

-          Streets

-          Police

-          Fire

-          Library

-          Parks and Recreation, Open Space

-          Public Works

-          Administration


Development fees are designed to help a community accommodate for the increased usage of public services due to population growth. This one-time fee is assessed to all new developments in order to disperse some or all of the liability for the infrastructure necessary to support the growing community. The fees should be in keeping with the community’s comprehensive plan to continue manageable growth and implement desired improvements.

Development Fee Study for La PazCounty

Similar to the analysis described above, recommendations for development fees were produced for La PazCounty for all of the various applicable categories.


Employment Land Supply/Demand Analysis And Fiscal Impact Analysis For Proposed PowerCenter at Northeast Corner Loop 202 and Gilbert RoadGilbert, Arizona

Elliott D. Pollack and Company has been retained to evaluate two issues related a General Plan Amendment and rezoning of 78 acres at the northeast corner of Gilbert Road and the Loop 202 Freeway for a retail power center proposed by De Rito Partners Development, Inc. The study evaluates the demand for employment land (industrial and business park) within the Town of Gilbert. The study analyzes the fiscal impact to the Town of Gilbert of developing the site for two alternative uses:  a retail power center of 605,000 square feet in size and a business park with 747,000 square feet of building space on 78 acres.

Industrial Land Supply/Demand Analysis for City of Casa Grande, Arizona

Elliott D. Pollack and Company has been retained to analyze the relationship between the supply of and demand for industrial land for the City of Case Grande.  This report will provide recommendations on the amount of industrial property appropriate for the City of Casa Grande. The fiscal impact of industrially zoned land and the most historically appropriate general locations for Industrial property will also be addressed.

Infrastructure Financing Plan Analysis, Arizona State Land Department

Elliott D. Pollack and Company was retained by the Arizona State Land Department to review and analyze the City of Phoenix impact fee methodology and to address certain concerns with the imposition of those fees on StateLand property.  As part of this analysis, the firm has reviewed documentation from the City on the development of the impact fees, including the review of several specific infrastructure financing plans for various parts of the City. 


Industrial Land Supply/Demand Analysis for City of Maricopa, Arizona

Elliott D. Pollack and Company was retained to analyze the relationship between the supply of and demand for industrial land for the City of Maricopa


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